Become a Collaborative Community Ambassador

We believe that everyone has a role to play in the fight against human trafficking. Our Collaborative Community Ambassadors mobilize their community and use their voice to raise awareness and initiate action. They believe in the mission, goals, and values of the Collaborative to End Human Trafficking and are ready to share it with others.

We appreciate your interest in joining the team as our next Collaborative Community Ambassador

Here’s what the role of the Ambassador entails:


The Community Go-To Resource for People Interested in learning about Human Trafficking

As a Collaborative Community Ambassador, you will be an important resource to people interested in learning more about and getting involved in Anti-Human Trafficking work. We will provide you with training on how to best represent the Collaborative to End Human Trafficking and educate others about this issue.

Represent the Community Publicly

As a Community Ambassador, you will be a public-facing representative in your community. You can choose the way you are most comfortable representing the Collaborative whether that’s through public speaking or written content such as blogs or sharing our social media. We will work with you to find the best fit and provide you with resources to help you be successful as either a speaker, a writer, or both!

  1. Networking or Speaking Engagements

Represent our mission and organization at networking or other events in your community. Host a Human Trafficking education session for your club, church, PTA or workplace.

  1. Community Outreach

Join us out in the community! Help us table events and connect with individuals and communities through conversation and resource sharing.

  1. Social Media

Engage people via social media who are also willing to spread the word about Human Trafficking. We make it easy for Ambassadors to quickly share information with followers. We create images for you to share or hashtags that will prompt engagement.

  1. Blog Posts

Are your already blogging or interested in blogging? Create blogs for us that help spread accurate information about the reality of human trafficking and how others can get involved.

  1. Research/Resource Provider

Are you more of a behind the scenes person? Help us stay on top of resources and research in the ever growing and changing field of Human Trafficking.

  1. Fundraise

Start a fundraiser to support the mission of the Collaborative and other anti-human trafficking efforts in NE Ohio. We can help you find the fundraising strategy that works best for you.

Collaborative Community Ambassador Program Application

This is a network of Individuals that are active in their community and would like to volunteer their time to help increase awareness and knowledge about the reality of Human Trafficking. We are seeking individuals that are passionate about the Mission of the Collaborative to End Human Trafficking. 

Collaborative to End Human Trafficking