A collection of resources gathered by the Collaborative for those who need help or want to help others victimized by human trafficking.
Call this number to report what you are experiencing:
(216) 433-6085
This is the Northeast Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force Hotline.
Northeast Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force Hotline
Bellefaire JCB Homeless & Missing Youth Program Hotline
National Human Trafficking Hotline
A Resource Guide of Supportive Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in Northeast Ohio.
Search Organization
Polaris operates the National Human Trafficking Resource Center and the 24/7 national hotline. Their websites provide resources, tools, presentations, and other materials on human trafficking for the general public and professionals.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services produces free “Rescue & Restore” campaign materials. Visit the website below to learn more about human trafficking in the United States and to order the “Look Beneath the Surface” materials which are available in multiple languages.
The Commission meets regularly to understand the extent of the problem in Ohio, find ways to help victims, and discover how to investigate and prosecute traffickers. Meetings are open to the public. Visit the website below to access reports from the commission with information on the crime in Ohio.
The Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force was formed in 2012. Visit the website below for more information on human trafficking in Ohio, coalitions across the state, public awareness materials, and additional tools for the general public and professionals.
Human Trafficking is the exploitation of humans for profit, often categorized by sex and labor trafficking. It is a complex problem we face in our communities.
U.S. law defines human trafficking as the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel a person into commercial sex acts or labor against their will. Victims of this crime include children and adults, women and men, and U.S. citizens as well as foreign born individuals.
According to the International Labor Organization, nearly 21 million people are estimated to be trafficked globally. Of those, an estimated 11.4 million women and girls, and 9.5 million men and boys are affected by this crime. Forced labor generates $150 billion a year around the world, $99 billion of which is generated from commercial sexual exploitation.
It also occurs in every city and state across the United States. Victims can be found working in the commercial sex industry (including escort services, brothels, massage parlors, strip clubs, and street prostitution) as well as in restaurants, hotels, factories, farms, landscaping companies, nail salons, constructions sites, private homes as domestic workers, and more.
The Collaborative to End Human Trafficking leads Greater Cleveland’s Coordinated Response to Human Trafficking, a multi-disciplinary group working together to develop a comprehensive and coordinated response to human trafficking in Northeast Ohio.
Copyright © 2024 Collaborative to End Human Trafficking. All rights reserved.